StarVision Product Methodology (SVPM)
StarVision Product Methodology provides a practical framework for Product Management activities in hi-tech firms. It helps product managers to make rational, logical, product decisions instead of relying on intuition.
Designed to create organizational product focus, help achieve a product-market fit and reduce product time to market, SVPM includes processes, routines, templates, and practical tools that enable Product Managers to perform their responsibilities in a clear, measurable, structured manner.
StarVision Product Methodology covers the 4 major dimensions product managers have to address – Product Strategy, Product Definition, Product Achievement, and Product Marketing.
Product Strategy
Product Strategy is the guiding beacon for the Product Manager. It defines the product strategic goals, strategic actions and guiding principles required to reach those goals. It is essential that the Product Manager is thoroughly familiar with how the product generates customer value and monetization
Product Definition
Product Definition is about managing the product functionality and product roadmap. This includes gathering market inputs, defining product roadmap and requirements and communicating the required functionality to the product development units.
Product Achievement
Product Achievement covers the activities that ensure that the product is developed and delivered, according to specs, budget, and timelines. Product Achievement includes all in-company Product Management activities which occur after the product was defined. These activities involve communicating with all units involved in developing and operating the product functionality.
Product Marketing
Product Marketing is about managing the market perception of the product value to generate leads and engage customers. The key to a successful Product Marketing process is realizing that it is essentially linked in the Product Strategy and Product Definition dimensions.
StarVision's Product Training Methods
StarVision training methods are compromised of formal lectures, practical – real industry exercises and hand on training.